Week 11 - Workflow Update

This week I continued progress on my embassy office, however slightly behind on schedule as I have been a lot busier this week than usual. Nevertheless, I managed to texture the pc unit, of which is actually a replica of my own. The below screenshots show how the scene looks currently with the textured PC and newly added filing cabinet. As I should have a lot more time in the following week to catch up, I should be back on schedule with a first draft render of the whole scene (textured), with appropriate lighting and materials. Then, after feedback from my peers and self-reflection, I can continue to add final details as I begin work on my second piece after Christmas.


I have played around further with my emissive channel settings and the glossiness of the PC for a more accurate appeal to the brightness and reflectivity of the PC and monitor.


Penulis : Unknown ~ Sebuah blog yang menyediakan berbagai macam informasi

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